Thursday, June 1

Intro to Blogging...Sort of


A teacher, you ask? That I am! In just over two weeks, I will be closing out my 6th year of teaching middle school English Language Arts, which is incredible! Having just received my tentative schedule for next September, I'm in complete prep-mode. Over the next several weeks, I'll be posting about breaking down and organizing my classroom for summer, as well as various ways to get situated for the first day of school before the last day of school arrives!
Follow my journey as I close our year six of teaching!

After about 9 years, I randomly stumbled across my old blog that I, semi-unwillingly, created in college. After a variety of failed username and password attempts, I semi-unwillingly created a new account; thus, we meet here today. While my original blog was intended for college research, a place to showcase the key takeaways from that week's readings, now that I'm a teacher, I'm hoping to share best practices, tips and tricks, and of course, a few good stories!